A Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) system involves a range of advanced wastewater treatment technologies to Recycle Recovery and Re-use of the 'treated' wastewater and thereby ensure there is no discharge of waste water to the environment.
A typical ZLD system comprises of the following components:
Efficient, innovative management of entire water cycles for industrial applications are heading towards Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD), allowing businesses to save money, reduce environmental impact and meet pollution discharge.
Achieving stringent wastewater treatment regulations and reducing water usage have become one of the most critical considerations in industry today. Numerous environmental regulations, rigorous permitting processes, and lack of water availability, among other factors, are driving many industrial facilities to implement zero liquid discharge (ZLD) systems as a solution.
Key Benets of ZLD
Sombansi Enviro Engg Pvt Ltd
J-78, IInd Floor, Patel Nagar-Ist, Opp. GDA Office Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh IN 201002