Industrial wastewater is the sum total of all kinds of reject streams coming out of the industrial processes. In a tampered eco-system where the synergistic relationship is already disrupted, the additional wastewater being generated everyday pose a very serious danger to human health and existence. At SEEPL, we build waste water treatment system to restore balance for a peaceful and healthy co-existence of humans in the natural eco-system. So it's necessary for them to recycle that to reduce cost and also conserve it. Main function of our ETP is to clean industry effluent and recycle it for further use.
Our process experts work with the design team to supervise the various factors that contribute to plant's design, including effluent requirements, land availability, energy, labor and disposal costs. Different kinds of ETP's are designed on different types of technologies based on the pollution potential of the effluent, resources available at site and stringent discharge standards. With energy efficient & high performance solutions we help our customers in converting waste of prot.
Regarding Primary Clarification: In the old conventional process, the FRU, DAF & Primary clarification using flocculants & coagulant dozing system are used. Having Primary clarification system in the process, the lot of hazardous sludge is produced which always remains a difficult task to handle and increase the O&M cost due to use of various chemicals as well as cost involved in disposal of sludge.
Since the Sombansi's inception, We have continuously improving are digesters efficiency and reducing the chemicals used in it. Our newest Anaerobic Treatment Technology is efficient to produce almost ZERO SLUDGE with minimal amount of chemicals.
The newest Anaerobic Treatment Technology CSTR (Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor) helps producing all COD into bio gas CH4. This Methane gas a by-product can we used to generate electricity all to even power the processes within the industry.
SEEP'S P-ETP is SS fabricated compact self-contained system ideal for MSME industry. These are pre-fabricated plants which offer complete treatment process for the effluent generated by the facility. SEEPL's P-ETP is outfitted with PLC based automation which removes the human intervention and required minimal maintenance.
Sombansi Enviro Engg Pvt Ltd
J-78, IInd Floor, Patel Nagar-Ist, Opp. GDA Office Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh IN 201002