To address the growing energy demands, while also achieving decarbonisation.
Waste-to-Biomethane projects have been significant and is need of hour.
Biogas is a combustible gas produced by the fermentation of organic matter in the absence of oxygen: this is called methanization or anaerobic digestion. Landfills produce biogas in significant quantities. Biogas is a fuel and is mainly composed of methane (65-70%) and CO2. It is a renewable energy source that can be captured and used to generate electricity, heat for district heating networks or as a biofuel.
Biogas Generated through our trailer made process utilising CSTR Technology. Anaerobic Digestion of biodegradable organic feedstock, i.e. municipal and industrial waste, animal and agriculture residue etc.
After Bio-Gas Generation, biogas can be upgraded by H2S & H20 remocal, C02 removal. Then Biogas
Sombansi Enviro Engg Pvt Ltd
J-78, IInd Floor, Patel Nagar-Ist, Opp. GDA Office Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh IN 201002